Forum Discussion

abc629599578's avatar
8 years ago

Rebels Yell!!

Hey developers before the newest added toons. Old man Han and Gray haired Chewbacca. There were 73 light side and 53 darkside. The last 9 new toons have been light side, we need some dark love or some scoundrel adds. We know that you have Embo...

You could also throw a actual twist, with gray Jedi. Jolee Bindo or others. You could make starkiller and with these gray toons we could pick light and dark attributes and one person could play that toon 100% light another 100% dark or some blend.

Also the territory battle which were cool, the rewards we not equal to the time spent. Very low ROI on the event.
  • It's supposed to be a 3 day event, not six.

    Also, @AhnaldT101 was saying some of the devs were arguing no rebel bias existed when he visited CG's offices pre-TB release.