5 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Recalculate Ships Points
The way points/banners are calculated for the ships zone needs to be adjusted. The max possible is 72 points, but that assumes your capital ship on offense is 7 stars and all reinforcement slots are available. If you have a 5 or 6 star capital ship, the max is 68. The star level of a character or ship does not impact score in any other area of GAC, so why should someone be penalized for winning on offense with a ship that is less than 7 stars?
I lost a round last GAC by 1 point. The difference? His Malevolence was 7 stars and mine is 6, and we both used them on offense. Kind of seems outside the purpose of the game mode to have the star level of a capital ship decide the outcome. Am I tripping here, or do others agree with me?
I lost a round last GAC by 1 point. The difference? His Malevolence was 7 stars and mine is 6, and we both used them on offense. Kind of seems outside the purpose of the game mode to have the star level of a capital ship decide the outcome. Am I tripping here, or do others agree with me?