Forum Discussion

Whatelse73's avatar
Seasoned Adventurer
7 years ago

"recommended" level, ISN'T

So I'm trying to get BB-8 6-star and I look at the battle and it says, "recommended level: 70+"

That means, my 6 and 7 star G8 70-72 level FO team should be able to complete it. I've tried it about 12 times so far and keep getting wiped fairly easily. How is that "recommended"?

Especially when BB-8 does his 70 cooldown power before anyone does anything on either team. (Yeah, really fair there guys. :P) And then does his Covert Data 5 or 6 times, then two or three of my team are wiped before I even get a move. So I'm left with two, who might get 2-3 turns in before they're killed EASILY.

If you want us to use level 85 freakin' characters on the mission, then just SAY "recommended: level 85"

Things like that are very discouraging. But I was really upset by this issue tonight so I figured I'd vent a bit about it.
  • For those who can actually do it at level 70 of course.
    With right RNG and good mods, and with great perseverance, it is doable at level 70.
  • Personally, I believe the last tier of any event like this should be set for recommendation to level 85. The character level hardly indicates the character's strength. Gear, ability upgrades, star rarity, and mods are much more relevant factors when looking at a character's effectiveness in combat or team compositions.

    Being as it is, I always expect a certain amount of difficulty to events like these.

    EDIT: Moved to Feedback: Events
  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    "Anakin_Skywalker;c-1392196" wrote:
    For those who can actually do it at level 70 of course.
    With right RNG and good mods, and with great perseverance, it is doable at level 70.

    Well, then........prove. it.

    When I see a video about someone doing it with a G7/G8 team that are at level 70, and they can do it fairly easily, then fine. I shouldn't have to try to do it 20 times and just hope I get that one good RNG roll to make it happen. (I actually did level them up, swapped around mods a bit, and improved a couple of ability levels and the first time I tried, they got blasted even faster. 3 left at half health before I could even go once.)

    Not sure why you moved this to "feedback: events" since the recommended tag is on a lot of things in the game, not just "events" that doesn't seem to fit. (ship challenges, mod challenges, daily challenges, etc etc.)
  • @Whatelse73

    Moved to Feedback events because these recommendations usually show up for events the majority of the time, and this circumstance you started the thread about refers to the BB-8 event.
  • There are quite a few vids about g8 phoenix doing tier 7 of thrawn which is arguably the hardest legendary event. Although most of them ar lv85 g8, mediocre~decent mods, I think with godly mods it is doable at lvl 70, because level is pretty insignificant to stats except for being requirements for gears
  • "Whatelse73;c-1392194" wrote:
    "Winstar;c-1392176" wrote:
    Gear 8 is useless. Get Kylo to GX-XI, level 80-85 omega'd (no zeta needed) and he'll probably carry the rest of the sorry level 70, G8 squad and present you your pair of BB8s.

    Good luck.

    Yep, That's part of my point. If it REQUIRES G10/11 and a freakin' omega'd or zeta'd character at level 80-85, then SAY THAT, CG. Telling me 70+ is just bogus.

    U know 70+ means it can be 71 to 85? My apologies if u have some kind of deficiency which u are unable to understand that or the fact that level means nothing and the gear and mods mean more congrats on getting bb8 next time. Just saying
  • Move your best mods from your arena team to your FO team, then try again. Also select carefully who you have Kylo Ren stun.
  • I also agree, the recommendation is not very helpful. Revise the recommended level and think about a gear level recommendation.