Forum Discussion

Dranninn's avatar
9 years ago

Rework. General veers.

While I think a lot need reworks, I'm going to talk about one that no one mentioned with veers.

I agree with his abilities should be tied to the empire, and bonuses against rebels. I'm not going to get into specifics because then if I give a great idea, they might not do anything do to me naming specific stuff because of copy right laws ( I seen this issue in another game ).

His stats. He should be kind of well rounded. He is a general and you don't get that by just showing up everyday and sucking. Also due to him being anti rebel, he shouldn't have op abilities, except against rebels. Mid range health, speed, and dmg would be fine, with high potency as his skills are designed against rebels, it should hit.

Normal attack just med dmg, with a extra 25% to crit against rebels and add 50% more dmg on crit to rebels.

Special attack. AoE that does dmg with 75% chance to lower rebel speed, or any other rebel stat.

Leader ability. Should not be just like Vader's, which his is now. Needs to be unique. Give a reason for him to lead over other emps. Maybe added attacks. A chance for each emp toon to attack a 2nd time. Maybe lower CD on abilities for emp toons when they crit. Whatever it is, leave it so empire only. Then he becomes the empire version of ackbar.

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