I honestly don't remember Ben's kit anymore, and can't really be bothered to reread that novel right now, but I've used SEE with Wat and Armorer and a L9 DC against a Rey, Bros, Holdo, Ben (with omis) team in GAC today and won. It got a bit dicey a couple of times, and I'm sure I misplayed here and there because I didn't remember Ben's kit in detail, but it certainly looked like a very doable fight. Assuming you play it right, you should be able to win consistently I think. But then again, the L9 SEE DC of mine probably made a difference, so once it vanishes in about 2 weeks, so might the counter. But this remains to be seen. Maybe it'll still be doable if you go in with a full team instead of just 3 like I did, and if you play it perfectly.