"Rmaxtpmx;c-1762809" wrote:
"Austin9370;c-1762783" wrote:
Get 'em OP, lol
I think you're taking this game way too serious
So people aren't allowed to know whether they're time and money is being spent well? He just wants to know if his time and money investment is in a game that will continue to bring him enjoyment, or if it's all coming to an abrupt end. Oh no! Someone wants honesty! Not that!
Maybe you didn't read the post carefully? OP has too many over the top comments that are often backed by opinions. Like what authority does he think he has? It's laughable.
A few of my favorite lines....
"It clearly shows leadership is lacking in your office to keep a steady and rigorous gameplan."
What? This is just stupid. OP doesn't have a clue about the internal workings. Just because it's not clear to OP doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
"Now I doubt if I should still invest time/money in it and I know we are a majority of invested players beginning to think the same."
I don't think OP is the emperor of the "majority of invested players" nor understands what they think. There has been zero indication the game is going anywhere. The game is strong as ever and that includes spending. I think one of the gamechangers even did a video on it.
Overall, OP just needs to take a chill pill and be patient. He hasn't been around that long as his opinions make that obvious.