Forum Discussion

  • There's always been a 1 credit placeholder in the system generated end of event "rewards" in-box message when events are shutdown early. Nothing new here. They send out the actual rewards separately because those are manually determined rewards. These events are coded to automatically spit out the rewards at the's much safer for them to set that amount to 1 credit and send out rewards in a mass through a separate in-box message than to tinker around with the code that handles end of event rewards.
  • "Vos_Landeck;c-2022699" wrote:
    There's always been a 1 credit placeholder in the system generated end of event "rewards" in-box message when events are shutdown early. Nothing new here...

    Yeah... We know. Doesn't make it any less funny.
  • Yeah their track record with coding and bugs leaves much to be desired
  • "Ultra;c-2022822" wrote:
    OP you need to change your name to wanting baby yoda

    I've asked numerous times about changing name on here, never been replied to. The current name was from before Yoda was brought in... not sure how they started the game without Yoda in the first place, but whatever.