9 years ago
Rogue One Toons - When Should They Become Farmable?
In my personal opinion, I'll say that Shoretrooper should be farmable in February. That would be 5 months since his release so I'd say it's fair enough. However, he shouldn't be an easy farm as some players paid lots of $$$ for him.
For Cassain, I'd say March or April. He's great, but not the best. They're better rebels like Jyn, Baze, Lando, and Wiggs.
Speaking of Cassain, we need to remember his co-pilot known as K-2SO! As an android user, I have him 7* but still feel empathy towards apple users. I think he should just be given to Apple users. Just deliver 330 K2 shards and 2.5m credits. I forgot how many crystals were included so idk about it.
Jyn should be for May or June. May would be good as it's international Star Wars day on May 4th and that would be a great treat! But June would make sense as she's like Sun Fac: not someone you should give out easily.
For Baze, I'd say the same as Jyn.
Chirrut wouldn't hurt to be farmable sooner than later IMO as I find him threatening only when paired with Baze. Maybe April?
Bistan is kinda in a weird spot - he's not great but yet in a valuable farm (Fleet Shipments)? Maybe they can move him in a month or less to somewhere like GW where he belongs. Why trade Rex, Sun Fac, Vader, or Echo shards for Bistan? Exactly!
What are your thoughts on this controversial matter?
For Cassain, I'd say March or April. He's great, but not the best. They're better rebels like Jyn, Baze, Lando, and Wiggs.
Speaking of Cassain, we need to remember his co-pilot known as K-2SO! As an android user, I have him 7* but still feel empathy towards apple users. I think he should just be given to Apple users. Just deliver 330 K2 shards and 2.5m credits. I forgot how many crystals were included so idk about it.
Jyn should be for May or June. May would be good as it's international Star Wars day on May 4th and that would be a great treat! But June would make sense as she's like Sun Fac: not someone you should give out easily.
For Baze, I'd say the same as Jyn.
Chirrut wouldn't hurt to be farmable sooner than later IMO as I find him threatening only when paired with Baze. Maybe April?
Bistan is kinda in a weird spot - he's not great but yet in a valuable farm (Fleet Shipments)? Maybe they can move him in a month or less to somewhere like GW where he belongs. Why trade Rex, Sun Fac, Vader, or Echo shards for Bistan? Exactly!
What are your thoughts on this controversial matter?