Forum Discussion

crazycdog29's avatar
8 years ago

Sad panda!

Now that we know the lord of hunger event is similar to DT DK events anyone else feel really sad and wanting to take a break from the game?

We know this because they updated the upcoming events
  • "Nauros;890781" wrote:
    Was personally hoping for a Yoda/Palp style event, but still better than tournaments. Hopefully, they will learn a lesson with the citadel pack and price the next one more reasonably (yes, I know I am unreasonably optimistic).

    I have a feeling they're gonna make at least one of the other 2 unannounced sith farmable for f2p and then lump all three into a pack. And then the farmable one is gonna be good, and you'll need the other two to counter that one, and then people will buy the packs and the packs.
  • "Vertigo;890786" wrote:
    "Nauros;890781" wrote:
    Was personally hoping for a Yoda/Palp style event, but still better than tournaments. Hopefully, they will learn a lesson with the citadel pack and price the next one more reasonably (yes, I know I am unreasonably optimistic).

    I have a feeling they're gonna make at least one of the other 2 unannounced sith farmable for f2p and then lump all three into a pack. And then the farmable one is gonna be good, and you'll need the other two to counter that one, and then people will buy the packs and the packs.

    As long as 1 sith will become farmable after the event, if we don't get one 7* unlikely but is a 1% possibility, than I will be happy. Also he just said 2 other dark side characters that doesn't mean either will be sith also
  • "Tatebomb;890804" wrote:
    They also didn't say they were new charters either. Just pointing thst out.

  • I liked the format of the Director Death event, I'd just like to see the rewards and difficulty adjusted. Add more difficult tiers and let players with a great squad get him at 5*. Then packs to finish him out if you want. Better for F2P. Better for P2P. And more P2P players would opt to buy 185 shards.
  • "Tatebomb;890804" wrote:
    They also didn't say they were new charters either. Just pointing thst out.

    If they werent new characters they would have told us who they were