main reason we don't have Maul + Savage is we have the phantom menace version and neither of them knew of the others exsisitance until Talzin told Savage to get get him during the clone wars. So unless they go the extra mile and do a character redisign with a rework they won't be going together any time soon. But as for some other potential syngeires:
Anakin + Rex
Ashoka + Anakin (if not then Plo Koon)
Aayla Secura + Kit Fisto
Barriss + Luminara
Count Dooku + Sidious (if not maybe Asajj or Grevoius)
Echo + Fives (domino squad hype)
Some combo of Finn, Rey, and Poe
Han Solo + Lando (until they make a rebel chewie)
Lando + Lobot ("Eventually leaving the Empire, Lobot formed a friendship with the smuggler Lando Calrissian")
And Luke + old Ben