Forum Discussion

vCx-Redemption's avatar
8 years ago

Scoundrels may get Intresting

With the lvl cap increase coming and new abilities I think we can be fairly certain that Greedos data mined ability will become available.

What does this mean?

Well 50% crit damage with 20% TM gain on a crit is HUGE especially if it stacks with toons like Lando/88

I think this update will be good for the meta
  • "Winstar;706934" wrote:
    Boba Fett just keeps sucking away at your credits, gears, stars, etc. and you get nothing in return...

    That myth needs to be put to bed already. Sheesh

  • "Returnofthen00b13;706935" wrote:

    @Chewplebcca thanks but yeah they haven't updated the site in ages, greedos leader actually only goes to 6 on there. There must be a datamine somewhere whee everyone got the info from

    It's on the site I showed you. I'm looking at it right now. It lists his level 8 ability as 20% tm gain. But yeah, that's old info

  • Do people not realize that a "new" ability unlocks about every 10 levels. We are currently on ability level 8, omegas. So everybody who cannot level there abilities from 7 to 8 right now, Will be able to level it up to level 8 thru omegas once level 85 hits us.
  • If they change literally nothing it will be the same EXACT meta as it is now
  • You know you can still run Wiggs with him, right? You can also run someone like Ackbar or Rex and set their speed so they go directly before Lando to dispel any negative effects. Or shoretrooper to make sure he can't be directly targeted. There are plenty of ways to ensure Lando gets a turn, and if he gets a turn with that lead it's pretty much game over.
  • "StormTro0p3R_H;707469" wrote:
    "Bulldog1205;707453" wrote:
    You know you can still run Wiggs with him, right? You can also run someone like Ackbar or Rex and set their speed so they go directly before Lando to dispel any negative effects. Or shoretrooper to make sure he can't be directly targeted. There are plenty of ways to ensure Lando gets a turn, and if he gets a turn with that lead it's pretty much game over.

    Imagine if you used your creativity to find ways to keep him from taking a turn :)

    Do you think someone with Rex, Wiggs, and Shoretrooper couldn't already beat you with.... Rex, Wiggs, and Shoretrooper?

    You REALLY think Greedo is what's going to break this game? C'mon, man, you absolutely know better: it's already broken.

    Removing the only thing that makes Greedo worth a thought because of fearmongering would be awful.

    But don't worry, he'll be neutered. These guys don't seem interested in diversity of any kind.

    You're right, the game mechanics are already messed up quite a bit when it comes to "pvp". Speed is not even the direct problem. It's too much tm gain. Half my arena matches are spent with most of both teams at a maxed tm bar, then waiting for rng to decide which character goes. This ability just adds to that problem.

    There can't be enough strategy when you have no idea who will be taking the next action.

    I don't think this one ability will break the game, but I hope them not releasing it is a sign they're considering a way to improve the tm gain meta
  • I agree that this is bollocks. Lando is the sole reason that they HEAVILY nerfed Nute Gunrays leader ability.