Forum Discussion

Nyalea's avatar
4 years ago

Shame. Just Shame.

How is this seriously possible to take a fucking 50M PG sandbag in TW ?

Do your job CG, you just have to do your job.
  • The biggest mismatch my guild has had so far I think:

    GP :: ~324M vs 370+M
    Zetas :: 6148 vs 7284
    Ults :: 89 vs 164

    G11 :: 1026 vs 835
    G12 :: 2034 vs 2239
    G12+1 :: 419 vs 457
    G12+2 :: 324 vs 329
    G12+3 :: 468 vs 525
    G12+4 :: 134 vs 111
    G12+5 :: 153 vs 141
    G13 :: 3537 vs 5407
    Tier 0 :: 33 vs 27
    Tier 1 :: 62 vs 66
    Tier 2 :: 98 vs 163
    Tier 3 :: 675 vs 826
    Tier 4 :: 424 vs 549
    Tier 5 :: 1212 vs 1751
    Tier 6 :: 215 vs 350
    Tier 7 :: 779 vs 1600
    6E mods :: 9211 vs 15317
    10+ speed mods :: 20840 vs 27651
    15+ speed mods :: 7347 vs 10370
    20+ speed mods :: 1620 vs 2278
    25+ speed mods :: 279 vs 401
    100+ off mods :: 2510 vs 2799
    ============ Rey ============
    # :: 31 vs 45
    7* :: 31 vs 45
    G13 :: 31 vs 45
    == Supreme Leader Kylo Ren ==
    # :: 34 vs 44
    7* :: 34 vs 44
    G13 :: 34 vs 44
    ==== Sith Eternal Emperor ====
    # :: 6 vs 34
    7* :: 6 vs 34
    G12 :: 1 vs 0
    G13 :: 5 vs 34
    = Jedi Master Luke Skywalker =
    # :: 28 vs 45
    7* :: 28 vs 45
    G13 :: 28 vs 45

    Relics and mods aside, when you see a 99 GL vs 168 GL matchup (just total number, a few GL's will be lost on both sides due to ppl not participating but the huge discrepancy will remain) it's hard to motivate people to even play and full clear for the sake of full clearing.

    We also have the "if you don't have time to play, don't join rule" and 5 people did not join (usually it's like 45-49 active people). With an avg. GP/member of 6.4m that would be about 32m GP missing so our effective total GP would've been 292 --> 370 - 292 = 78 --> 78 / 7.4 (avg GP/member) = 10.5 --> so it seems like about 10 people sit it out on the other side - hard to believe that a whopping 10 people in a top guild "have no time" for a TW.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2223591" wrote:
    , but by far the most likely is you’ve found a guild with a similar name to your opponent.

    Its a little hard to confuse "Clones in Tights"

    As I stated in the comparisons above, it was a joke, we have mostly 0's as seen above & their totals below again. And yes, we checked names to make sure it was the right one, not that you can mess up spelling that simple, no funny characters, etc etc.

  • "MaruMaru;c-2221290" wrote:
    "Schwartzring;c-2221225" wrote:
    "MaruMaru;c-2220951" wrote:

    You should know what method they are using then, it's the active gp of the guilds and nothing else. It doesn't compare any quantity and quality of the other things. Not too different from how gac matchmaking works.

    When did that change because its not what the devs stated in the past?

    Active GP is for Rewards tier only.

    Matchmaking uses some algorithm they wouldn't clarify but involved power of the most common upper tier teams or some such thing per the dev post below

    Oh I didn't know of this announcement. The gac mm announcement also talks about invisible parameters in play and not only top x gp although we are all assuming it is only that.

    Either way, the problem with this type of absurdity is that the system doesn't number of active players, you can get matched i.e. 37 to 48 which makes individuated calibration impossible. They need to change that bit, we should never get matched with large active player margins even if the total gp of those actives match.

    There's another problem. That "system" was from 2018. There were no GLs and no relics then. Unless CG has constantly updated the algorithm to account for these changes in relative power (which I highly doubt) and carefully tested them at various relic levels (now, including R8) then the "accuracy" of the system has likely deteriorated instead of improved.

    But I agree - the much larger issue is when there is a disparity in number of active players. We actually have a standing joke in our guild about 47 participants. If we are over 47 we have never won. If we are under 46, we have never lost. If we have either 46 or 47, we have a chance to get an even match.

  • My guild has faced bad matchup after bad matchup this whole year. This is the worst one which was last TW
    Please take note of the 20 vs 124 ults...
    I talked to the TW Leader from the other guild, nice guy, offering up strats and stuff but he openly admitted "hey sorry we are taking a break from competitive TW and only 30 people signed up and we pulled you guys."