Forum Discussion

KamranFarid3's avatar
9 years ago

Shard Shop is Absurd

The shard shop in EA Galaxy of Heroes is a complete waste of time. I like the idea of the shard shop but it is blown way out of proportion. The current character to farm in the game is General Grevious (because every other day, the characters in the shard shop will change), but it is impossible (nearly) to get him because in order to do so, you must collect 4,500 shards to get him to a seven star. FOUR THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED. That's ludicrous. The ratio for the shard shop should at least be 1:2 and at most 1:5. This is my favorite game on the App Store; please change this for the sake of all top players who have a seven star character. Please read and respond both other people and EA! Also join my guild. Prestige Force! Thank you and let's get this fixed!
  • 1:10 is the current ratio, which is not a bonus for what you call elite players (those who are dedicated enough to get there). 50% down to 30% would have been annoying but reasonable, but 10%? It really is pathetic treatment. Basically to get 2 shards from SS, I need to collect 20 spare shards, and the only source of shards for many is CB, LSB/HSB hard, because seriously, who's going to pay crystals for shards in the shipment store. With the drop ratio so low, it is roughly one shard per 6 battles, assuming that you will waste energy to play battles for chars with 7*, which again is unlikely.
    If the ratio is not going to change, then at least add other ways of getting the credits for shard shop for players with 7* chars, e.g. as random drops in the 7+ level battles or something, there are many ways you can do it.
  • Completely agree, I can complete a full day of galactic war, get enough GW currency(1200 war tokens) to get 15 shards(3 purchases of 5 shards) of a desired character a day from the GW store. If I decided to go for shard shop shards(buy 3 purchases of a 7 star character), that would convert to only 225 shards, which would not even be able to buy 2 character shards from the shard shop! I mean, this would make sense if characters like Death trooper and Krennic were in the shard shop, which are highly overpriced characters so it would make sense, but they're not. I see a lot of useless characters like stormtrooper in there(definitely with exceptions, but still not worth 300 shards). 15+ shards of another character, or 2 shards of stormtrooper? Tbh I think the shard shop is a great idea, but is in need of a rework, for example adding Chirrut, Jyn erso, Death trooper, etc... Or at least changing the shard ratio to be more realistic.
  • I think Shard Shop is a great idea for P2P players but not F2P players. The inclusion of Greivous into the fleet shipments is the only way I got him and the other characters I already have at 7. The price is the main thing. I don't want to farm shards just to get hardly anything in return. It's too costly for nothing. Bad idea but maybe with some rework, could be ok
  • "DarthPawleska;953002" wrote:
    Was all excited to get into shard shop, what a dissapointment

    I felt the same way hahah, but the shop really is a shame.

    "Akakin_SkyLuke;941264" wrote:
    "ArkhamJay;934186" wrote:
    I think Shard Shop is a great idea for P2P players but not F2P players.

    For example if you buy a bunch of chromiums from the store, the shards received from chromiums start turning into shard shop currency which just depletes the value of even buying chromiums, considering how bad the value of the shards are.

    Yep, once I had a few 7 star characters from the chromiums, I decided never to buy anymore chromiums, they are just not worth it anymore. Your crystals are absolutely wasted when you get 7 star character shards from the chromiums.

  • I have a 7* Grevious that I obtained from the Shard Shop only. It's totally doable.
  • i think they should change the ratio from 1:10 to 1:5 and leave it at that. Also, instead of making the shards for the other 6 characters 2, they should change it to 5 each.