Yup, got enough from certain packs to Omega 2 ships so far with a few extras left over but not enough to do a 3rd.
Why they haven’t been added to obtain somewhere yet is mind boggling. I thought they would have been added when we had the whole Chimaera and rare ship packs.
EA has grown stingier and stingier. We used to have a chance for character omegas in packs but they removed those. They are trying to squeezing every last cent they can from players. Lowering drop rates to boot.
As a so called “Kraken” I have recently stopped spending so much. I may drop $20 here or there but no more vaults. Supply simply isn’t meeting demand...not by a long shot. They have added a few of these gears to events lately but it isn’t even close to being enough. Zeta shortage. Omega outage. Gold crunch.... blah blah. As long as players keep throwing $$$ at EA they will continue to suck us dry in any way they can.
I have been a top player in many mobile games. MFF, CoC, SWFA, to name a few and I have never encountered a company who gives so little back to their players. Some companies even reward their customers as it should be. The VIP in MFF is a very nice thank you for supporting that game. EA simply doesn’t seem to care for their customers one bit nor their players.
The constant crazy requirements for these events are absurd. If I wasn’t a big spender I would have quit this game a long time ago. Giving players 3-4 days of double drops on a hard node is imo a slap in the face. Giving players 1 -2 weeks to farm a whole squad is ridiculous. Players can’t choose to farm characters they like because so many are needed for this and that. I haven’t farmed mods in over two months because I need this or that...also because of TB. Need that GP as high as possible. Releasing info like “Rey’s Hero Journey “ but not letting us know the requirements is infuriating. They have the info and yet they hold onto it as long as possible to sucker their players/customers into “panic farming” in an attempt to make as much $$$$ as possible. Sure EA is a company and the games sole purpose is to make them $$$$ but it’s getting out of hand.