How about some credits to upgrade some pilots from lvl 60 to 85
Considering the game skiped 2 credit heists... and that our gear for said heroes is low...and rarity.... I mean GS-cantina only
Clone Phase - useless without rex so prob only p2w
Wedge - barely new-ish to cantina.... and also p2w exclusive untill just before ships came
Geonosian spy and other guy - p2w barley available recently
Who upgraded fin I mean really, past mods....and even there 5 stars
Boba fet - no coments there he's out for a year now
POE - also speed mods exclusive not a lot of ppl got him....but more than fin....
Tie pilot Recent release - p2w exclusive - we got to activate him for free at low rarity
Plo koon - usless but easy to farm so I guess we should have him maxed
IDK just seems you guys picked p2w hard chars and useless toons except for bigs and maybe resistance pilot
No droids
No jedi passed asoka conuslar and Plo Koon and Plo koon is clone based so if you don't own rex.... yeah
No palpatine....
IDk just seems exclusive rather than inclusive
Sure geonosian seems nice but with all the ships and stuff when can we farm them
1 ship in cantina 1 in H light 1 in H dark - v v hard missions
so please give credits for the few pilots we have barely upgraded at 3 stars. No worrys p2w will still beat us up
So Happy anniversary with 2 credit heist and maybe a double drop events for 2-3 days... or is it vacation time....?
Still great update no comment about that just complaining about logistics I guess