Forum Discussion

sainte5's avatar
8 years ago

Should we prepare for...Padme?

Given how recent legendary characters have been released with little to no notice, and only speculation and hints from the forums to go off Padme on the (far) horizon?

-Recent portrait updates for Geonosians
-Separatist rework is on the devs to-do list (if not currently being done)
-Padme is one of the most requested characters, and one of the few "main" characters not in the game

I could definitely see the Separatist re-work accompanied by a Padme unlock event that requires Geonosians/Separatists - especially since most people probably don't have high gear/stars on Grevious, Magnaguard, Geo Spy, Poggle, Asajj, etc.

Obviously this is just PURE speculation, but given how character releases have been so far this year, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised. :D

EDIT: I should also note that Jango Fett could be involved in a separatist rework too...