Hello there everyone, this post is because I see that there are still people who doubt that Lord Vader is the next galactic legend and here I will leave you the evidence that CG has left us over the last two months that Lord Vader is the next galactic legend
Let's start with the most current, the clues left in Developer Insights: Jedi Master Kenobi and in JMK's own kit
Worthy of both the Jedi Master and Galactic Legend titles, if you're not excited for this version of Obi-Wan, "then, you are lost!"
I Will Do What I Must pays homage to the duel between him and "Lord Vader" on Mustafar.
While we only released 1 Galactic Legend this time, "Jedi Master Kenobi will get his Dark Side counterpart" in the future. Stay tuned to the forums!
and finally the clue that they left us in the JMK kit more exactly in it's ultimate which is called "it's over" what gives it the buff called "high ground"
and now the clues that CG left us from before, the improvement of the anakin model, the description of the JMK event, that no requirement of kenobi ask for an anakin
all those clues CG has left us to let us know that Lord Vader is the next galactic legend and if you respond with the typical phrase of "there is already a darth vader in the game or anakin was sith 5 minutes before he burned and became darth vader" then following your logic Threepio & Chewie should not exist since it is only the combination of 2 characters and it appeared less than 5 minutes or Stormtrooper Han which is only a Han Solo costume
Very well said that I say goodbye and I hope this post clarifies your doubts about why Lord Vader is the next galactic legend if not "then you are lost" bye