I just can't make myself do more than 1 or 2 battles a day, and definitely not during phase 1. My time to spend on the game is limited enough, I'm not going to spend an hour on the worst raid experience the game has to offer.
Nihilus is a train wreck of a fight, where you can't really get into a rhythm and I just feel a mild dose of anxiety every time I do it as I watch his annihilate cooldown bounce around and hope the toon with the buff gets a turn to soak it before then. Mostly I'm annoyed because auto doesn't yield even minimum results, so I can't even let it run while I work/focus on something else. Nope, I have to stay glued to it the entire time.
I don't mind phase 2 and 3 so much, as I have useful teams for those (troopers in phase 2 is actually kind of fun). Problem is, everyone piles on for those two phases and they go down quick, then we're back to no one wanting to finish it off.
I get that new raid content being more difficult is a necessity, but the mechanics of this raid punish every single team we've been encouraged to build up till now pretty much and as a result it actually feels like punishment to grind out. They could add Treya shards to t6 and I'm pretty sure it would hype people for a couple weeks, then we'd be back to no one caring again, despite how essential to arena that toon is looking to be.