1 - We mostly do T4, we've tried t5 a couple times, but it takes 7ish days to complete so it's not worth it. T4 is completed in ~2 days.
2 - We're currently 98mil
3- Depends on the phase, I'm usually stuck helping us slog through p1 and p4, so my teams are
JTR, Orig Rey, RT, bb8, R2 (p4 is usually Jedi consuler or Zarriss instead of R2)
p1 - Thrawn, Magma, Snow, DT, veers
Zader, Shore, palp, Boba, Stark or Thrawn (depending on if I was in p1 that day)
Wedge, Biggs, CLS, Han, then DT, R2, Yoda (just unlocked), depending on phase/availablility
Assaj, Talizan, Acolyte, Mother, zombie - lead varies by phase/mood
Used to do a Jyn, cassian, Jedi Consular, FOTP, Geo Soldier (or K2 subbed in depending on phase) - but my trooper team out grew them finally
4 - Motivation - I like to be 1st, I like to improve - demotivation - It's a TON of time/work for the rewards, I get first and I've got 1? completed set the entire time, everything else is maybe 6-10 of some gear I don't need, or if I'm lucky a few furnaces or stun cuffs.But the rewards are HORRIBLE when you compare time/effort to HAAT or Rancor, so how can I motivate my guildmates to try hard when the reward is 1/5th of a gear piece for one character.
5 - fun - it forces me to build/use new teams, the mechanics are mostly enjoyable and new since it's not a blind autoplay or all out damage fest. - Not fun at all - Too much RNG on some of it. Without SERIOUS research/mechanics knowledge I'm playing a guessing game on if my guy with the nihlus shield needs to pop it now, or if I pop it he'd get a turn again before nihlus causing a wipe, or if the person who I really want to pop the shield will get a turn before nilius. The shield needs to last 2 turns, have an option to turn off, or something needs to be done so it's not such a guessing game of who will go next. Zader and JTR are the hardest, if my empire get lucky 'too many times' i find myself burning through my shield because nihl didn't go when he normally would. It's also really annoying that in order for my Zader team to work I have to mod them such that I can't use Zader effectively in arena, TW, or well anywhere else really because nowhere else requires me to put so much potency on him to be usable.
Bottom line though - all the RNG aside, if I actually got worthwhile amounts of gear from the raid I could motivate myself and guildmates so much more to build teams and get the event beat. I realize they're separate raids, but Rancor=3mins of work and 40 Furnaces. Sith raid is an hour+ of work and I get 6-10 furnaces. Seriously??? HAAT is an hours worth of work and I get significantly more everything as well.