Forum Discussion

8ymi896k29mm's avatar
9 years ago

Snowtrooper vs. Magmatrooper

Which character is better?

Snowtrooper deals more single target damage, and more AoE damage. He also has a 35-50% chance to ability block, and has a bit of turn meter manipulation abilities. Snowtrooper is hard to farm for shards though.

Magmatrooper has high tenacity and could gain quite a bit of turn meter by resisting or being affected by negative status effects. Magmtrooper's thermal detonator could also remove turn meter. Although magmatrooper deals less damage, the ability to manipulate turn meter and double attack capability allows magmatrooper to attack often. He is difficult to gear up though.

Which character is generally better? Especially in a Palpatine led Empire squad?
  • Be sure to use them once also in one of the first 5 nodes so that they have some TM ready to roll. Don't want to go into a big fight flat footed!
  • What does meta look like? EP (L), STH, RG, QGJ, and Rey. We now have four of that team (and one more with Anakin instead of Rey).

    @IrwinTheGreat, look what you've done to us. But, you do have the fastest STH, so, I guess that makes you king of the meta.

    I think tomorrow I will need to put Yoda on my team. He can use Battle Meditation before everyone's STH, except, of course, yours. That way, hopefully, my almost Empire team can beat everyone but you. If not, it may be Return of the Jedi for me.
  • I'm also in the business of giving Magmatrooper a chance. I think he could very well fit in Arena if he allows me to break a speedier opponent's attack like:

    St. Han taunts, EP stuns most of my team, others do some damage, Phasma gives everyone their second turn, EP distributes some shock, others give some more damage, EP goes again, I finally get my first attack with whoever is still alive.

    If I can insert somewhere early in the sequence "Magmatrooper resists the stun, gets 50% TM, throws his bomb, resets opponents' TMs and allow some of my toons to take their first turn before being dead", then it's a winner, however much little use (especially abysmal damage with no other benefit on his basic) he is after that.

    I'm currently trying him in GW, with tenacity mods (alas, he needs both tenacity and potency!), but he's really not a well designed toon: both low potency and tenacity from his gear, requires monstrously expensive gear with little benefits (e.g. heaps of Holo Projectors), maybe the lowest damage from the game...

    He looks cool though.
  • "chainsaw;678748" wrote:
    Why are people even saying Magmatrooper is better in arena? Seriously, you can't even remotely use either toon in arena. Unless you wanna get your #%& kicked.

    depends on your shard

    newer shards can probably get away with it easier
  • "chainsaw;678748" wrote:
    Why are people even saying Magmatrooper is better in arena? Seriously, you can't even remotely use either toon in arena. Unless you wanna get your #%& kicked.

    @chainsaw Lol, I already get my #%& kicked without him!
    I currently run Palpatine + support crew (Han, Phasma,...) and since I'm tired of hunting that elusive mod that will boost my speed, I sometimes think of alternate team composition, like... Empire !

    Now that's generally a sad lot, except for Palpatine, and his Red Guard (which has suddenly become much less useful, because the enemy also has Palpatine, and a shocked Guard isn't doing much more than a marble statue).

    Hence the question about the troopers... I'll wonder, I'll try, it'll fail miserably, and I will know :)