8 years ago
So...collusion isn't cheating?
Let me preface his by stating I am aware how hypocritical this is going to sound but I'm frustrated so here goes. I got kenobi and started pushing into the top 20 and even top 10. Made it to number one although not at my payout. I started looking around for shard chats and finally found mine. Today I messaged asking how it worked for tops spots. I figure I'm the new guy I better play by the rules. No response I get sniped and locked out and then get told that there is a different chat where they decide who gets what spot and that I am not invited. This is a serious flaw in a game. Whales and guild mates can log jam the top and screw over the little guys. (Relatively f2p have spent maybe $60 over the life of the game) I am completely hosed here can't do anything about. I'm positive nothing will be done by anyone at EA or CG Althouhh I do have names and screenshots of the conversation once again I know I'm a hypocrite but this seems unjust and outrageous. Best fix? Give rewards for whatever spot you make it to each day.