Forum Discussion

SnakesssOnAPlan's avatar
6 years ago

Solo HSTR P3 with Farmboy Luke = Time to NERF!

Better yet, nerf C3PO! He’s dangerous! This interaction is against the spirit of the game.
  • "BobcatSkywalker;c-1934556" wrote:
    I'm pretty serious. If more people exploited this it would be fixed. Not enough people exploit it yet so if people want it fixed then zeta luke and exploit this loop to make it a bigger problem then they will fix it. But not until enough people dump resources into this team to make it worth them changing.

    Makes sense to me.

    There's a very good reason more people aren't doing it.

    It's extremely long, slow, and boring. Which inherently limits how many people bother.
  • Persimius's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    "BobcatSkywalker;c-1934556" wrote:
    I'm pretty serious. If more people exploited this it would be fixed. Not enough people exploit it yet so if people want it fixed then zeta luke and exploit this loop to make it a bigger problem then they will fix it. But not until enough people dump resources into this team to make it worth them changing.

    Makes sense to me.

    CG has already said they won’t be changing this because of the effort involved in getting the team to work.