"Olddumper;884135" wrote:
This isn't something the devs can do anything about. At least 1 thing in this game will always be relatively scarce.
Doesn't seem like you actually read the thread linked above. Perhaps you could try reading that thread and then attempt to post some form of constructive feedback?
There is definitely a gear bottleneck around level 60 gear. There was a good reason for this early in the game, as the devs need some way to pump the breaks on player progression so that the pacing is right. But consider the things that have been added and the direction the devs have been emphasizing players to play.
They want us to have Large, Diverse rosters that utilize many different characters groups. Think about the mod challenges, the HAAT raid, even for some casual guides the Rancor Raid, the Tourney structures, the different themed events, ships that use formally unused characters, etc. All of these things want us to have fuller, more diverse rosters to be able to fully enjoy all aspects of the game. And yet at the same time the devs artificially limit the ability for all but the largest of spenders from actually being able to achieve this encouraged outcome.
I believe that this post, and others like it, are calls from the players to be allowed to more fully access the game with larger rosters, the behavior the devs are encouraging. Alleviating the lvl 60 gear bottleneck will go a long ways to this.