Forum Discussion

MountainRitos's avatar
8 years ago

Star Wars Anthology Movies

Which movie are you the most excited for? Who are some characters you think should get their own movie?

Personally I'd love to see a movie about Dooku or Qui-Gon Jinn, as unlikely as those are.
  • "Saraleb;940240" wrote:

    What was great about Dooku was the actor playing him... so would depend on the replacement

    I don't agree, Dooku is a interesting character regardless of who plays him, you could do a lot with Dooku and his story.
  • "Supercat;940234" wrote:
    "AimingForGaming;938639" wrote:
    "Drax_77;938634" wrote:
    "AimingForGaming;938630" wrote:
    "Drax_77;938603" wrote:
    I'd love to see a Vader movie!

    Watch every movie but Episode VII and you'll get your fill.

    Nah I want a movie that shows just how awesome he really was, thanks to the time period od episodes 4-6 and the lack of special effects, he looks very weak.

    Just rewatch the scenes with Darth Vader shown in them in Rogue One, especially the end of the movie.

    Actually I thought that scene was bad, it conflicts with its self:

    Vader was easily destroying them, but because he wasn't smart, they escaped.

    He failed and he killed.
    5/10 scene work for conflictions, but power, cool Vader.

    That's part of the Sith (Vader) and their downfall. They're arrogant, cocky, P.O.S. that use fear as a means to an end.
  • "Unimatrix010;940252" wrote:
    The absolute best would be movies about The Old Republic, though. Swtor trailers are genius, make a full movie like that and I'd be the "shut up and take my money"-guy for a change. Lol.

    I wept during those trailers. So well done.
    That said, I would rather the Old Republic be the realm of video games. Keep the tales so far in the past that they barely have any effect on the current canon.