Forum Discussion

reallynotdecent's avatar
4 hours ago

Starfield 5-F

Hey gang, 

So I've been playing for 4-5 years now, and ever since I made it to the last chapter in fleet battles, the last hard node, 5-F, doesn't really have any significant rewards, at least compared to the other nodes in the tier. In those same 4-5 years I haven't seen much discourse on this node (though to be fair I've barely touched the forums in that time) and I was curious what y'all thought could go there?

I figure most people would want it to drop Zeta mats, as those are the initial reward for beating the node. I'm not opposed to that idea, but I feel like there should be a more fitting reward. 5-F is pretty much the last "level" of the game, you've gotta clear LS/DS, Cantina and mod battles, and fleet battles were way tougher than the other campaigns, for me anyway lol.

What I'm getting at is the reward for 5-F, if we ever get one, should be something representative of all the player achieved to get there. In my opinion, a character would be the most fitting considering the game is built around collecting toons, and I think this would be a great opportunity to add another character with the neutral tag! Though from what I understand the team doesn't have any ambitions to do that, which is a bummer. As far as who that character would be, I dunno lol. The best I've got is Sharad Hett - fitting for the neutral tag (in my opinion) and not someone who would be crazy powerful, but still really cool. 

Anyways, sorry for blabbing on, it was just something I've been curious about for a while now. I'd like to here anyone else's ideas! 

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