Forum Discussion

NTQ03's avatar
9 years ago

STHan should NOT be Rebel

Since every other post is how every character in the game should be a Rebel, I decided to make a thread about one who is, but shouldn't be. Since the game has used names/art for characters when they were younger but don't have tags they do when they're older (Clone Wars Chewy, Darth Sidious) STHan should NOT have the rebel tag. He was not a part of the rebel alliance in ANH.

24 Replies

  • If that's the case, then we could add Vader to the rebellion too... He did kill the Emperor after all to save Luke.
  • Look, its not about titles, but actions. During the death star, STH had excellent synergy with the rebellion. The rebellion tag on STH just represents this synergy with the language of the game. There definitely needs to be this complementary game play between STH and the rebellion.

    In my opinion, STH became apart of the rebellion once he laid eyes on Leia in the trash compactor and saw her in her wet gown. But he's too gruff to admit to that kind of sentimentality, that he'd join a cause because he was physically drawn to a beautiful princess.
  • I would argue Han joined the rebellion wholeheartedly over leia. He goes to rescue her for riches Luke promised but after he sees her and during the fight in the corridor right before the trash compactor he seems to be fighting for her and Luke and no longer for riches. Again a bit of perception here but he's wearing the stormtrooper suit at that time all through bens death and leaving the Death Star