Forum Discussion

TheAlmightyDezu's avatar
2 years ago

Stop pushing out players.

Congratulations, CG you lost another one of your most dedicated players. Over six and a half+ years, I’ve scarcely missed a day. I haven’t paid, 100% free-to-play, or taken a single shortcut. I grinded for every stun gun, carbanti, and kyro. Every point of my 9.2 million GP was earned. I worked for all 7 of my GLs, my 7-star Executor and Profundity, StarKiller, and I would have Doctor Aphra, but I got bored with the RNGfest of the first round.

I used to keep spreadsheets of the gear I needed to acquire to unlock my next GL and take him or her to 7 stars. I’m a guild leader and TW officer or was until today. It is hard to find someone who wants to be a guild leader. For GAC, I used to research my opponent, sequester myself with as much silence as I could obtain, look up counters, and take an hour or two to enjoy it. Now, I don’t care.

Why should I? The Datacron Apocalypse sucked any and all enjoyment out of PvP. I might set defense. I do a few battles while doing other things. I would rather do the boring drudgery of Conquest than GAC. I’d rather do ship stuff than either, and I don’t even like ships. The other day, I started my GAC, did a few battles, put down my phone, and went out to pick up dog 💩. I was winning. I did win. It wasn’t frustration or losing. I would simply rather pick up dog 💩 than play this game. That’s what you’ve accomplished with datacrons. That is an amazing feat. Congratulations!

I enjoyed Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes for the most part. I hate Star Wars: Galaxy Of Renters. Let’s be very clear. It is not the same game. Star Wars: Galaxy Of Heroes was a collector game where players built up their rosters. Star Wars: Galaxy Of Renters is a rental game where players pay for the privilege to be screwed over by a corporation. I spent six years building up my roster before datacrons. Now, I’m told if I want to use the roster I’ve put so much time and energy into building, I have to rent datacrons. Same skin. Vastly different game.

Datacrons have made this game a joke, and the joke is on the players. Your complete disrespect for players is evident through things like datacrons, Inquisitors, customer service (or complete lack thereof), communication (or complete lack thereof), refusal to acknowledge the player base’s concerns, the constant barrage of popup ads, events like Doctor Aphra’s that one can only win if they play long enough to get lucky, nerfs, fixing bugs that help the players while the ones that hurt are allowed to linger, and just putting everything else above the player.

If everybody who doesn’t like datacrons didn’t use them, they would be gone. If everybody who doesn’t like datacrons quit the game, the game would end. I will never play another CG or EA game. I was going to play your LOTR game. Given the way you’ve destroyed this game and treated the people who play it, I’m not doing it.

I would never spend money to advance in a game, but I’ve purchased plenty of EA games. I bought my PS4 specifically for Battlefront. I bought the DLC and Battlefront 2 but none of the loot boxes.
Before chalking it up as a lost cause around Thanksgiving, I reached out to every opponent in GAC to ask for a civilized match that’s not marred by the abomination that is datacrons. Some people thanked me for the opportunity. I’ve talked to two people who liked them. Two. The majority of people I’ve talked to begrudgingly accept them. Some are scared not to use them. One person actually warned me that I was going to get banned for not using them. One can’t help people who don’t want to be helped.

I tried to stick it out in hopes that people would be smart enough to recognize the obvious scam and not use them, not engage with them at all. The swift and ongoing backlash, the exodus, the videos, and the people adjusting their reviews to reflect the negative impact of datacrons on the game and community gave me hope that you, CG, would realize your mistake and at least try to repair the damage you’ve done.

Then again, this is an EA company. There’s an entire Wikipedia page about what a horrible company EA is. "When we live in an era marked by massive oil spills, faulty foreclosures by bad banks, and rampant consolidation in the airline and telecom industry, what does it say about EA’s business practices that so many people have—for the second year in a row—come out to hand it the title of Worst Company in America?" Way to live up to that legacy, CG. You’re making Papa EA proud.
I guess I’m the dumb one for having hope that people would act in their best interests. I just can’t do it anymore. I can’t stand to even log in and see the endless series of popups and cash-grabs this “game” to which I’ve given so much of myself has become.

To add further insult, you call us “…the best community in mobile gaming!” Is the “for us to poop on” implied? Or are we the best because we put up with so much of you pooping on us? What’s wrong with you? People play games to escape the doldrums of life and to have fun. You consistently strip away anything that can be fun in this “game” and slap a price tag on it like it’s a fun tax. Whoever came up with datacrons is the type of person who would evict a pregnant widow on Christmas Eve and brag about it. GAC was fun. Datacrons! Ruined. Conquest was fun. Add in feats that are nothing but a repetitive grind and increased energy costs. Ruined. Now, it’s just a tormenting grind, but we can pay for it. Weeeee! Galactic challenges were cool. Revolving Inquisitor requirements and RNG fests. Ruined.

Ah! The Inquisitors. Your obsession with the Inquisitors is creepy and borderline perverse. When it comes to the Inquisitors, I feel like a kid who was caught smoking and was locked in a closet until he smoked an entire carton. I liked the Inquisitors before they came to this game. I thought it was cool that they were finally in SWGOH. Now, I never want to see another one. If you just told us they were important instead of constantly forcing them on us for the past year and requiring them in multiple game modes, I would have rushed to get the Grand Inquisitor. Now, I have no interest. The thought of gearing the Inquisitors is repulsive. Then, you release a Conquest ship that requires the Grand Inquisitor, a character only 4,000 people even had at the time of release. Since that wasn’t enough, and the community was begging for more Inquisitor content, they’re required in multiple places in the new TB. Now, you want to do the same thing with the Tuskens. I like the Tuskens. I have to get out before you ruin them for me, too.

Speaking of the new TB, whose brilliant idea was it to put more emphasis on not playing the game than playing? Each section of the Operations is worth up to 50 times the points of completing a combat mission. Yay! I got to place a unit in Operations. Gee whiz, that was a jolly good time. I’m so glad I upgraded that unit to relic 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. But it’s expandable. Yay! We’ll have to relic more units to put in more Operations. There’s a reason to stick around.

Glitches. Your incompetence is astounding. Every other Galactic Challenge or Conquest has some feature that doesn’t work right. Every fix messes up something else. Glitches that help the players get fixed right away. Glitches that hurt the players are ignored until they go away or the description is changed, and we’re told it’s working as intended. When something does work, and the community gets excited about it, or worse, we actually dare to have fun with it, you nerf it. “No fun! Only pay!” Where did you get the idea that the less fun the game is, the more people will throw money at you? I know you hate the f-word, but games are supposed to be fun.

The message is clear. Pay or get out. Message received. Maybe instead of pushing that message out there, you should listen to your players. If you want to improve your game, all you have to do is get rid of datacrons. The new raid format looks cool, and I’ve been wanting the Boba Tuskens to come to the game, but nothing you do, not a new TB that we’re not supposed to play, not a Dune-inspired raid or raid overhaul, or making Tuskens the new Inquisitors, will make up for blatantly ripping off and ignoring the concerns of your player base. Are datacrons really more important to you than all the dedicated players you’re pushing out?
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