Forum Discussion

dodgeviper2373's avatar
5 years ago GL Tracking

Not sure if I missed a note or comment on this but was the tracker updated on each release or have the values been the same since the start???

I ask because tracking only brings us to totals needed for released names of the event not the event as a whole... if they have been the same since the start can this mean ships are coming?

Mainly just curious but after getting this far having to full relic 4 more toons plus potentially having to farm them is getting to be a mountain of a climb...

Finally also may have missed it was there an official final 4 release date?

Thanks for any input.
  • "Wassup;c-2076220" wrote:
    Which tracker are you referring to?

    On, there is a Galactic Legend Quest gear tracker, which shows you how much you should cry(how much gear is needed) before you meet the requirements for Galactic Legends.