You'll definitely want to gear and star resistance trooper for your jtr team. If you use r2 to stealth everyone but jtr when nihilas has a basic up and to put foresight on the more squishy characters when he has an aoe coming.
With a good strategy and decent gear it can work without a healer. I get between 3 and 4 mil in hstr with that team. But if you switch out vistas for r2 you can actually get even more dmg and she is a healer too.
You'll want hoda in the bastilla team instead of cls anyway.
Ns is the other team you'll want to max. After jtr, they have the most dmg potential.
The other teams unfortunately don't do very well in heroic. It is sad but the maxed out ep lead only gets 700k to 800k on on a good run. Way down from the 3 mil they can do in p5.