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SakMoiKak's avatar
8 years ago

Tactics question

Sorry if this seems odd or if I'm having a brain phart - but in terms of base stats .. Tactics = biggest influence on the actual amount of physical damage (excluding mods, gear etc)?
  • Depends on the character, you'll have to look at a specific character's stats and see what it says about tactics. For Darth Vader it says tacticts increases special damage and resistance, but for Ackbar it says tactics increases physical damage, special damage and resistance.
  • Depends on the character. Not all characters get the same exact bonuses from each stat. Most support-build (not actual support tagged) characters like EP, Plo Koon, and QGJ Tactics increase phys dmg, special dmg, and resistance.
    But on the tankier build characters (not tank tagged) like Vader, JKA and Fives physical damage comes from Strength. For them Tactics only increase special damage and resistance.
    For the more offensive oriented characters that are squishier like TFP, STH, Hoth Rebel Scout, Dooku and Maul the stat that increase physical damage is agility.
  • Gotcha, I was wondering since I just geared something for EP that was upping tactics and I realized, I never really understood what it was for. I noticed for EP it boosted physical damage so wasn't sure if it applied to all toons.

  • "WompWompRat;963570" wrote:
    Gotcha, I was just wondering since I just geared something for EP that was upping tactics and I just realized, I never really understood what it was for. I noticed for EP it boosted physical damage so wasn't sure if it applied to all toons.


    Yeah, although its not like EP does physical damage anyways lol.
  • Lol I know, though that tactics number at gear X is pretty womp womp (not that it matters ha ha)
  • Funny that Ackbar's strength is tactics when his best known phrase is: "It's a trap!"
  • "Woodroward;963586" wrote:
    Funny that Ackbar's strength is tactics when his best known phrase is: "It's a trap!"

    You know, that got me thinking. The rebels were never actually that good with tactics ... like:

    - In Rogue One, they sent a fleet that dumped out of hyperspace before the shield was actually disabled
    - They kind of did in Force Awakens, but they really sent people there without actually realizing how hard it was to damage the core
    - In Return of the Jedi they all showed up before the shield was actually dropped on Endor

    Just a few examples lol .. but I always thought the rebels relied a lot of luck ..