Forum Discussion

M3xY-w33zY's avatar
9 years ago


The ability the Jedi counsoler has that sends a force to heal off himself should be taken off him and added to Talia. When she heals, she harms herself, and her basic attect isnt enough. She is usually the one that dies in battle because her only means of healing is very slow. This new addition should be reusable every 4 turns.
  • Didn't miss it. Just don't care. She's dropped from the team the second she uses it. Dead. Usually from splash damage from an AoE. Honestly, her best move is her special and it's debuff (if it sticks), but it's a real gamble using her as her dps and durability is so squish.
  • "Preemo_Magin;45786" wrote:
    Ben, in Arena you are indeed happy to see her. But you won't notice when she beats you.

    Every poster here misses the 25% turn meter manipulation she does on heal.

    She still sucks.
  • I think I understand both sides of the argument where some says Talia is good at manipulating turn meter and others say she has weak heal.
    I think both are true, while which characters beats which characters in battle no long says anything about strength as it is possible that the weaker characters beat the stronger characters in battle if AI controls the stronger ones; however, does Talia need to be buffed in order to be competent? Yes.
    I had Talia at 7* and gear 7. She does about 1100-1200 damage on her basic attack, which rarely critical hit, and her heal is about 4*40%-20%=140% team health; in contrast, luminara's basic attack does 1800-1900 damage, which critical hit half of the time at 3100-3500, along with her force push that does 5000+ critical damage often, and her heal heals team for 40%*5+20%*5+20%*5=400% team health.
    From these basic data, talia is no where close to comparison with luminara.
    In practical battle, we know how unequal numbers of characters at each side can turn the battle lopesided, yet i believe it is currently possible for 3 luminaras to beat 6 talia, while 3 talias hardly stand a chance against 6 luminaras.
  • @Aeris

    Exactly this! Maybe she does need a minor boost, not talking about making her way too viable but a small boost might be in place to compete with the others. Also since she is f2p for more players so easy obtainable = more competition.