Tank Reduction cron bug
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed this and if not, what I can do to have CG investigate this.
I was in a grand arena battle with my JMK against Jabba. I was using JMK, CAT, and GK. The opposing Jabba had Boushh Leia and Kyrrsantan with omi and the DC was the new level 6 tank damage reduction one.
I noticed after a minute that if Kyrrsantan was over 50% TM, he was only taking 1 damage, every time.
Long story short, I used an LV team and in a last ditch effort JML after JMK failed. I noticed every time in all 3 battles that without fail, every time Kyrrsantan was over 50% TM, he was only receiving 1 damage.
When I submitted an in-game ticket, the help person told me no one else was reporting this, but to post on here about it.
So, as the first paragraph asks, if no one else has noticed this, how can I get CG to investigate my battles? I'm a completely sane and rational person, so I know what I saw, I'd just like CG to look into it.
Thanks for the read.