Forum Discussion

LuminaraPearl's avatar
6 years ago

TB rewards

If a player is removed after TB rewards were distributed, do they loose the rewards if they didn't get a chance to claim before removal? Or do they get them once they rejoin a new guild?

4 Replies

  • It wasn't me that didn't get them, but a guild mate that was being demoted to a lower guild that was removed before getting a chance to claim them. It was a mistake and our movement officer had no intentions in him loosing his rewards.
  • Intentional or not, they are lost.

    You can direct this player to try and go through EAHelp (the in game help button) and they might be able to rectify this issue.
  • Rewards aren't sent out to players until the first time they log in after the TB ends. If their first login happens when they aren't in the guild that they did the TB with, the game gives them no rewards.