Forum Discussion

ludwigsangina's avatar
8 years ago

Why equal TB rewards is bad for the game.

Top spenders in lower-medium tier HAAT guilds will be incentivized to leave their guilds. This will result in loss of comradery and loss of sense of community, which will result in ....(fill in the blank).

I'm a relatively new player but a top 3 arena player, spent more on this game than 90 percent of people on this forum. I'm very unhappy with this situation. Unhappy players is bad for your business.

Suggestions: players who complete a certain percentage of the new raid will all be guaranteed enough g12 gear that they will be able to stay competitive in the arena with their competitors (who may spend less money than them but just be in "better" guilds).

Playing with the same people for almost a year and you're going to put me in this position EA? Shame on you.