Forum Discussion

Sarryenjo's avatar
8 years ago

TB upgrading + lucky credit heist = training droid shortage (really!)

The net result of upgrading the levels of my toons after a lucky (15 mill) credit heist (plus earlier upgrading over the past few weeks):

Bring on the next training droid heist!

(I really didn't think I'd ever say that!) :)

23 Replies

  • I have tonnes of excess training droids but not really the credits to use them. Also every toon I want/need 85 is 85, so apart from GP I have no reason to level anyone :dizzy:
  • Bring on more credits ;p seriously though, I have literally thousands of droids and no credits, probably bc I have the worst luck in heist rng, I have never gotten a top tier prize and probably 85% of the time it's the lowest level ugh lol death to rng hahaha
  • Just as an update to this post - I got my usual 5 million on the CH this week and so I now have a big surplus of training droids again. It didn't last long! :)