"aperingo;c-1662088" wrote:
We're a 126M PG Guild, and from the moment we passed the 100M we have never, Never, NEVER faced a guild with a lower PG than ours, being honest we have more wins than defeats, but is really demotivating that we always face someone with superior GP, every time the difference increases, started with 3-5M, then 10M and for the past couple of months we are always facing guilds with at least 20M GP difference, so obviously we are on a defeat streak which is totally demotivating our members, and last one got ridiculous with a delta of 30M, we faced "Unionize the Jawas" and we're "SW Halcones Galacticos"
We haven't been able to start farming Traya, which will make it worst, with this delta on PG we will start facing Traya walls soon and will make it impossible to win.
I hope someone is really looking at this and fix it soon! I can understand that sometimes the formula can go wrong, but I'm not exaggerating when I'm saying that from the 100M PG we haven't faced a lower PG Guild ever and the delta between our rivals and ours keeps getting bigger everytime, so something is really wrong here!
Lets see what today's TW brings...
What a surprise, on today's TW, we're facing "Reborn Revanites" 146M guild vs our 127M guild.... (was 126M last week)