General Lando Calrissian Character Concept
Inspiration: During the 40th Anniversary celebration of 'Star Wars- Episode VI: Return of the Jedi', CG missed a golden opportunity to add this version of Lando Calrissian to the roster. They added two versions of Leia from the same movie (Boushh disguise and Endor), so two versions of Lando from the same movie could also have been a possibility (Skiff Guard and General). Maybe in the future, he'll be a Conquest character and bring forth a new faction: the New Republic.
Name: General Lando Calrissian
Relic: X-8 Sniper Pistol
Affiliations: Light Side, Attacker
Factions: Leader, Rebel, Rebel Fighter, New Republic, Scoundrel
Attacks and Abilities
Basic: Head Shot
Deal Physical damage to target enemy twice with a 50% chance to deal damage a third time. If damage is dealt a third time, call all Rebel, New Republic and Scoundrel allies to Assist, dealing 50% less damage.
Special 1: Disruptor Grenade (Cooldown: 4)
Dispel all Buffs on all enemies and inflict Disrupted for two turns. If an enemy is already inflicted with Disrupted, they lose 10% Turn Meter.
Disrupted: Can't use Basic ability for 2 turns. Can't be Dispelled, Prevented or Resisted. If the enemies' special abilities are still on cooldown, they miss a turn.
Special 2: Smoke Grenade (Cooldown: 5)
Dispel all Debuffs on all Rebel, New Republic and Scoundrel allies and lose 15% Turn Meter. General Lando gains Stealth for two turns, and all enemies have -45% Accuracy (doubled on Empire and Imperial Remnant enemies).
Leader: Got Responsibilities Now
Whenever a Rebel, New Republic or Scoundrel ally Critically Hits an enemy, all allies with at least one Buff gain 7% Turn Meter. Whenever an ally evades an attack, they have a 45% chance to Dispel a random Debuff (doubled if the attacking enemy is Empire or Imperial Remnant).
While in Territory Wars: All Rebel, New Republic and Scoundrel allies start the battle with 30% Turn Meter. Whenever a Rebel, New Republic or Scoundrel ally scores a Critical Hit, 50% chance to call all allies to assist, dealing 10% more damage.
Unique: Break off the Attack
General Lando Calrissian cannot be damaged by AoE attacks unless he is critically hit. Whenever General Lando Calrissian uses a special ability or when Disrupted expires on an enemy, he gains 15% Turn Meter and all Rebel, New Republic and Scoundrel allies gain half that amount.
Characters who receive the New Republic tag:
- Mon Mothma
- Wedge Antilles
- Admiral Ackbar
- Cara Dune
- General Syndulla
New Characters for the faction:
- Carson Teva
- Shriv Suurgav
- Nien Nunb
- Sinjir Rath Velus
- New Republic Security Droid
- Jas Emari
- Jom Barell