Forum Discussion

LeeboyyyyJenkin's avatar
9 years ago

The Force Awaken Final Countdown

So the movie is coming out in about 13 hours. The premier was done yesterday and lots of great artist has seen and given their positive reviews without spoilers. I'm extremely excited.

I hope CG drop the patch together with the release of the first showing. I will be looking forward to Kylo Ren in my team (Or at least Bespin Luke, this has been anticipated for a long.. long time).

So is everyone going to the first showing? Are you going to geek out and cosplay to the cinema? What's your thought about it.
  • "HavokTrigger;11868" wrote:
    It's hard to believe you guys are getting it before u.s. theatres.

    ...and trust me. I do not intend to click my facebook,twitter or even instagram apps until I watch it.

    Same here. I was reading 9gag and someone posted TFA spoilers headline. My heart jumped when I saw it, but it was actually a troll. I'm locking myself out too.
  • The first showing here is at midnight in about four hours from now... Although I'm keen I'm not that keen. so seeing the first show in the daylight morning :p 15 hours from now. so until then I'm staying off the internet... Sad to say I don't trust people with spoilers online :'(
  • I think it will be a good movie. I wouldn't put much trust in reviews from celebrities or official channels. I always wait and see what the general consensus on any product is. This way you have a better chance of getting true, unbiased opinions.

    I'm not concerned with spoilers. I'm in no rush to see the movie and would actually welcome all the details of the story. It's exciting to have a new movie yes. However, many elements are a recycling of the original 1977 movie.
  • Just finished reading the movie plot online. I won't talk about it publicly. If you're interested, PM me and I'll send you the link.
  • @Keaven , spoilers are all over the internet right now. I've got the entire story but, I'd buy the book. You can't get into the mind of a character in the same way watching a movie.
  • Seen it... just got back... I personally enjoyed it.. but I can see some people panning it over a certain aspect of the film... it'll become obvious the moment you see it...

    Some people may not like the ending... especially people who want an element of closure over the film story.

    No end of the credit scenes for those that care.