8 years ago
The REAL villains journey
So after the CLS event, the forums have been flooded with ideas of a darkside journey. The main idea I've seen is having a journey end with Anakin turning to Vader and getting a red eyed version of hi...
"usho1;c-1271637" wrote:"Loose_Lee;c-1271296" wrote:"Mrjenkins;c-1262854" wrote:
I'd 2 nd plagueis B4 revan.. he developed palpatine which should make him one of the most important" non cannon toons" and how is he non cannon if he's mentioned in a movie? I know the book is legends but he deserves some attention
Revan establishes the sith rule of two... negating it will basicly nullify every star wars movie ever made... so no revan = no sith lords after him... so no darth bane, zannah, tenebrous, plagueius, palpatine, vader etc...
In a roundabout way no revan means the mandalorians probably would have overun the republic and after subjugating the republic, they probably would have hunted the remaining jedi & sith down like predators hunt aliens... for sport. And SW universe would be a vastly diffrent than it is currently... so revan & nihlus really cannot be removed from canon.
Umm correct me if im wrong but, wasnt bane the one who established the rule of two?