As the "Road ahead" post confirms the new Guild vs Guild game mode, I just wanted to say that the time requirements for this games are growing very quickly, and I am afraid that this is a bad thing for a mobile game.
The game already forces you to login at specific times to ensure the best resource collection. On top of that, it requires you to complete a lot of activities if you wish to remain competitive.
Arena basically forces you to do 5 battles before your payout time, which locks an entire hour.
Fleet Arena is another hour. Keep in mind that they wish to rework the Fleet Arena payouts to make the top rewards more impactful, which means you will need to do your 5 daily battles to compete.
Raids take a lot of time if you wish to have a decent score. Though Autos are possible, they require some very specific characters (Basically CLS for Rancor).
GW easily takes up to 1 hour if you're unlucky and have to face multiple CLS G12 teams, which is often the case. Retreating and starting over waiting for the right RNG is a pain for anyone, and is very time-consuming.
TB also take up to 30 minutes depending on the phase/your teams. It's also a nightmare for guild leaders and officers, though they plan to address it.
The devs have basically been adding new content without making previous content more available or quicker to complete.
Unless the new GvG system rotates with TB, I am afraid this will require another big chunk of our time.
This remains a mobile game and should not force you to play 3 or 4 hours on a daily basis.
There are several things that could be changed to make the game less time-consuming:
- Make GW shorter, either by reducing the number of nodes or tune down the difficulty.
- Change the Arena and Fleet Arena systems to register the best rank attained during the day instead of making it time-based.
- Unlikely, but changing the Raid rewards structure to simply reward each member with the same loot regardless of their damage would allow many people to simply pass on Raids if they don't want to participate.
- x8 Speed for battles
- Bronzium 8-packs
These are only some ideas to make the game more enjoyable, as it can be very frustrating to miss on some activities.