Forum Discussion

jnbentzel's avatar
9 years ago

This new raid is killing guilds

Argue all you's true. You can tell me your hundreds of theories why, or just one, but it's just simply true. My guild is now crumbling, half of us have been together since day one. My leader and two other officers all quit today. Others are leaving and or discouraged. This was a really cool part of this game, and a big part of why I'm still here. To the're messing up a really good thing, and losing money, as lots of these players are p2p. Just saying.

3 Replies

  • yup....yup yup good bye small guilds, but to be fair lots of lower active ppl will join ex top tier teams while the p2w will go to 1 place and get kenobi
    So most will farm T6 for 2 weeks/raid
  • Sorry to hear! We are recruiting for our guild that's been around since day 1 as well. Check us out and let me know if you're interested.
  • Completely agree. It is one thing to make heroic hard, but normal mode is the most painful experience ever with awful rewards. It makes GW feel fun farm. At least give semi-competitive guilds an option to raid ATT without having to boot their bottom half of their members or force their top guys to leave.