Forum Discussion

nmkevlb397zs's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
3 hours ago

Tier 6 of JKL is a waste of people's time - RNG BS

Games are supposed to be escapes.  I've been dealing with a lot, and getting JKL today was literally the planned highlight of my week.  Except now I'm stuck on Tier 6.  I've been trying for hours.  I've raised relics, re-modded (and re-modded some more), watched every recommended strategy video.  There are so many complaints about this one tier, in this one event, being the worst gaming experience of people's lives...  This is **bleep** stupid - RNG-dependent rounds where you're just playing the same thing over and over and over until the game gives you the pass is just a waste of people's time and energy.  Stop being Colin Robinson's, EA.

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