Forum Discussion

my_goren's avatar
7 years ago

TW Guild Rules for defensive

Hi guys. I'm just curious what other guilds are doing in regards to guild and defensive placement. We label our territories based on factions and tell everyone to ideally place up to 4 defensive teams. With the understanding that some smaller roster will put less and big rosters place more.

The issue is some times we have people forget to place a their defensive so some others are forced to give up offense. I'm curious what implementations and rules have others guilds developed for their own guilds. Rules, consequence ect. Thanks in advance guys
  • Nice try. Ask me for my SSN next time, I'm more willing to give that up.
  • Damn my pictures not uploading
  • Lol I wouldn't want anyone to post there Tw strategies. More like rules to make sure everyone participated or strategies to get (everyone) to place there defensive teams within 24 hrs

    Ideas I had were like a deadline 2hrs before attack phase and if you don't have one you get a warning. But I'm not particular sold on that idea. Just wanted to see if there are better thoughts out there