8 years ago
TW Offense/Defensive List Feedback
When interacting with a list of teams inside TW, it appears glitchy as it goes through it's updating process. Things like it isn't holding your spot on the scrolling list in place and kind of jumps you around. This is rather annoying when trying to scroll through a list of up to 25 teams. Also when slow-clicking to view a member of a team in the list, when you return from the character screen, it jumps you all the way to the top. Would be better to make this a little less rigid in order to make it quicker easier for a player to get through the match picking or defensive team placement process. Also, a thought that it may be a bit nicer if each team on a territory war list, could have it's own "battle button" and "inspect button". This would make it less accidental to click a row in the list and head straight to the battle selection when you were simply either scrolling or trying to inspect.