I stand by it - there’s no way the majority of guilds in the range Seedy stated are doing this. It is vastly more likely that some people just don’t sign up when they’re busy.
No. That's not what I said at all.
I said that most guilds are not "sandbagging"... BUT
of the guilds people think are sandbagging,
those guilds probably include a high percentage of merc-friendly guilds.
A majority of 4% is still less than 4%.
I'm not saying I know exactly how many high-gp guilds are "sandbagging" (even as a percentage: 1% or 4% or 10% or whatever) and I'm not saying how many guilds have a high percentage of mercs. But since I know that people merc, and since I know that over the past few months as I was looking for a new guild 3 different officers promised me the freedom to merc between TBs, and since TWs happen between TBs, I figure that there's got to be some merc'ing happening that affects how many people from high-gp end up joining their TWs.
I think this is a small minority of guilds, but a high percentage of guilds that people
think are sandbagging.
I also admit that this is a guess, and I told you why I think my guess is reasonable. But a small amount of information + a reasonable inference is not nearly as good as actual data, so if anyone has actual data in this area, I'll be happy to be corrected.
However, if you're not going off data, just off your feeling that since you don't do it, and your friends don't do it, that no one does it, then you're not in any way more informed than I am.
I might be wrong, but you've got nothing to show that yet. And since you weren't even able to correctly read what I was saying, I don't have the highest possible faith in you correctly interpreting the overall situation.