Forum Discussion

kerwyn2's avatar
7 years ago

TW Sandbagging

So this is a fact now.
Does your guild enter with 50/50 members ?
Do you get opponent’s whose .gg page show they are +20/30 M GP above you?
Do you find it strange you have to fill 22/23 spots perzone ?
You are being “Sandbagged”. Bigger guilds are shifting players away. Dropping their active GP. To pull smaller guilds in TW for the win. And CG “Currently, we don’t see any egregious issues in the data”
So this is just a heads up. Feel free to report it and see if anything ever happens here
  • The great thing about conspiracy theories is you can make up your own unsubstantiated facts to support your claim.
  • Persimius's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    Not that it doesn't happen, but I still don't think it happens as often as people claim. Some people just don't like TW, some people are on vacation. And in the last couple weeks some people are dealing with hurricane issues, and probably weren't too worried about missing a couple free zetas.
  • The bigger guild have it co-ordinated and spread lies. It’s just a coincidence they all started hitting way below their weight class ? And everyone is getting severely mismatched now ? Just look at the posts on the link.
  • Persimius's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    The bigger guild could have done that. Or, more likely, some people just didn't sign up. Certainly since the last Version Update there is a bug with the join button, and it has caused people to miss TW. We had one guy not join this time, and no one has heard from him at all.

    As I said, I know that it does happen, but I do not believe it happens as often as you seem to think. TW matchmaking can't handle guilds not at 50/50, this is not new.
  • "kerwyn;c-1651856" wrote:
    The bigger guild have it co-ordinated and spread lies. It’s just a coincidence they all started hitting way below their weight class ? And everyone is getting severely mismatched now ? Just look at the posts on the link.

    It's not all of a sudden. Mismatches have been happening since the beginning, check out the TW sub forum with many posts going back the whole time.

    It's nothing new, and its not a conspiracy, it's a bad match making system, and not doesnt have to do with intentional actions like posted:

    "StarSon;c-1651854" wrote:
    Not that it doesn't happen, but I still don't think it happens as often as people claim. Some people just don't like TW, some people are on vacation. And in the last couple weeks some people are dealing with hurricane issues, and probably weren't too worried about missing a couple free zetas.

  • A lot of the alliance guilds don't have 50 real members. They often keep 2-3 (sometimes more) low level alts in the guild for flexibility. The alts generate raid tickets and can be booted when someone wants to move between guilds. The alts don't participate in TW.

    I'm no longer in an alliance guild so this isn't me defending them. Just pointing out a standard practice.