Forum Discussion

orenstern's avatar
7 years ago

TW Setting Defense / Set Up Stage Enhancements

I think the TW set up phase should be tweaked a little.

Why should the squad set be permanent during setup phase? The other side can't see your banners anyway---we should have freedom to set and reset our squads throughout the set up phase, as we work with our guild to fine tune the defense and when the Player Lock comes THEN it be set it in stone.

And if not that, at least have a confirmation pop-up each and every time the game thinks you want to set a squad. I had an experience where I was setting a squad, I pressed set---but there was some kind of lag in the game---either I double pressed or it glitched, either way I instantly set the squad I wanted plus setting a second squad of my entire top row of toons (which I didn't want to do). And there was no way to take back that action.

So either a confirmation popup would help --or-- the game does not automatically load your squad selection window and leaves it blank until you add toons you want, which would prevent accident squad setting.

Anybody have these problems? What do you think?
  • As long as it was perma set that there would be a squad there I dont think it would be too unworkable. If you could remove squads I think it would become a bit of a nightmare trying to keep track of all the banners and that sort of thing. That said I'm not a programmer so the technical side could be feasible