I have lost 1 match so far.
Whilst I am not a lot higher than you in GP, I have began to note an increase in quality.
I suspect that NS for example shuts down a lot of newer players who have not developed teams that can touch it. No disrespect to you, but you will find that your sisters on defense will start getting shot in the head by Veers armed with silver bullets ;) and or other teams that can take sisters.
The key for me, has been whilst being careful about GP find intelligent ways to use my A- and B tier teams.
I am very excited to deploy; HK47/L3/T3/IG88/IG86 and Ahsoka Fulcrum/R2/Leia under Ackbar lead on offence could be very potent as well.
But yes, I digress i'm expecting that as we increase our GP we will start going against people who have intelligently modded all of their teams and have counter teams.