6 years ago
Unfair match-making
The match-making is a joke. They use “top 80” characters to try and hone in on who had the best roster so it isn’t overwhelming if someone has 500k more GP than you. But, when I have a 6* GAS and am f...
"TVF;c-2063918" wrote:"Nikoms565;c-2063906" wrote:
I had a guildie who faced an R7 GAS. His was 6*. Any matchmaking that pits someone with a 37k+ GP character versus someone else who doesn't even have a single character over 30k needs some work. Counters work - but it's still a tremendous advantage.
As it should be. We don't get meta toons to not have an advantage. Which isn't to say we shouldn't have to also face people that have meta squads, but those that don't have them do not deserve a handout.
Counters work. People should use them.