Forum Discussion

DziNeIT's avatar
6 years ago

Unsure how opponent beat me

For the current GA, I decided to only set two teams. One in each of the front territories.

My opponent set a full slate, giving him 540 score (90 per deploy, 6 teams).

He then killed one of my teams, giving him anywhere from 16-64 points (it would've been towards the lower end as he took 6 attempts to beat it).

This obviously immediately allowed him to conquer both that territory and the one behind it. According to the in-game points description, he would've got 180 points from conquering the first and 150 from the second, totalling 330.

540 + 330 = 870

Then add the points for killing the only team he killed - which in reality couldn't be higher than 44, but for this I will just add 64 as that's the maximum amount.

870 + 64 = 934

My opponent has only killed that one team and conquered those two territories. So there is no reason he should have any points other than those plus his initial score from setting defensive teams.

Yet he has 958 points. I have 957.

How is this possible?

My points can be verified:
180 from setting two defensive teams
+ 510 from conquering territories

= 690

Then 267 from killing a total of 5 teams for an average of 53.4 points each (most of those were first time kills so this makes sense).

But his points score does not add up using the numbers displayed in-game.